Sep 09
In today’s world, knowing where something or someone is has become the new norm. From phones that...
Aug 31
As construction equipment is one of a contractor’s highest cost centers, being cost conscious about...
Aug 24
Look at any job site, and you will see a lot of construction equipment. If you are a contractor on...
Aug 10
At Tenna, we believe that our team is distinct; everyone is obsessed with quality, a desire for...
Aug 05
Inconstructionbusinesses, the more transparency you have over your assets (people, equipment,...
Jul 31
What is equipment tracking software? We get asked this question frequently and wanted to provide...
Jul 09
“What are the benefits of a GPS tracker for equipment?” This is one of the most asked questions we...
Jun 11
Getting Back to Business While many states in the US are still in the throes of COVID-19, some are...